Inclusivity & Equity

The ReproRehab program is welcoming to all individuals, irrespective of race, ethnicity, gender or sexual identity, class, age, or able-bodiedness.

We believe that diversity in perspectives, backgrounds, experiences, and abilities is essential in fostering a community that supports meaningful and authentic learning experiences.

The program organizers strongly value diversity and inclusivity in the teacher and student membership, and we are committed to building an equitable environment that respects all community voices.

To promote a healthy and positive environment in ReproRehab, a Code of Conduct will be adopted and distributed to attendees to manage expectations and set the tone for the course.

Course Climate

To promote a healthy and positive environment in ReproRehab, a Code of Conduct will be adopted and distributed to attendees to manage expectations and set the tone for the course.

Google Docs will be used during Q&A sessions to facilitate anonymous questions. This approach will be used to facilitate learning outcomes while mitigating student stress and anxiety associated with imposter syndrome and stereotype threat.