Applications for the 2024-2025 cohort are now closed.
Important dates for applying (2024)
Student Application
Following a 2-day in-person summit, learners will engage in 7 weeks of 2-3 hours/week of online lessons and hands-on office hours with a TA who will help a small pod of 2-3 learners with similar interests. Then, for the next 4 months, they will take online coursework relevant for their specific research interests, and present the application of the learned skills to their research at the end of the program.
Students/Learners for the ReproRehab Course should be willing to fully commit to four hours of course time per week, including:
During the 7-week online bootcamp:
1 hour of asynchronous lecture and hands-on lab material on your own
1 hour to review materials on your own
1 hour of working on materials independently via a virtual workblock meeting
1 hour for office hours with your TA and learner pod
During the 4 months of self-guided learning:
4 hours of self-guided learning and applying data science to your research, including at least 1 hour of working on materials via a virtual workblock meeting
TA Application
TAs are rehabilitation researchers with data science skills whom we will train to effectively teach these skills to others. TAs should have at least 2 years of experience programming in either python, Matlab, or R. During the 7-week bootcamp, TAs will host weekly office hours to help learners troubleshoot emergent issues. Afterwards, they will host their own virtual tutorial on YouTube around a ReproRehab-related topic. In this way, TAs can learn how to become leaders in teaching data science to rehabilitation researchers. TAs will be provided a $5,000 stipend for their time.
Teaching Assistants for the ReproRehab Course should be willing to fully commit to four hours of course time per week, including:
During the 7-week online bootcamp:
1 hour hands-on office hour with learner pods
3 hours other time (e.g., creating their own curriculum/agenda for their pods, reviewing ReproRehab video lectures and other online content, Q&A with the educational leadership team, answering learners’ questions online via slack or email, etc.)
After the online bootcamp:
Expectation to create a YouTube tutorial on a topic of their choice related to reproducible rehabilitation research